Dormant Account Notice- Updated 12 July 2024

Dormant Account Notice- Updated 12 July 2024



(Section 6)

Name of financial institution:                    JN Cayman

Address of financial institution:                28 Elgin Ave, George Town

                                                                        P.O. Box 504

                                                                        Grand Cayman KY1-1106

                                                                        CAYMAN ISLANDS

Change of name, if any, of the financial institution:   

The public is hereby given notice that JN Cayman holds the following dormant accounts –

Account NumberDate the account was opened

The public is also hereby given notice of the following –

  1. Unless one or more of the following transactions are effected on a dormant account listed above on or before December 31, the monies in the dormant account will be transferred to the general revenue of the Cayman Islands without further notice –
  • Increase or decrease the amount held in the financial institution [1];
  • Present the passbook or other record for the crediting of interest or dividend in respect of the items enumerated in section 4 (6)(a) and (b) of the Dormant Accounts Law, 2010; (as amended)
  • Correspond in writing with the financial institution concerning the monies;
  • In the case of a trust, make a claim under the trust, or
  • Otherwise indicate an interest in the monies as evidenced by a memorandum concerning the monies written by the financial institution.
  • Subject to the Dormant Accounts Law, 2010 (as amended), on the transfer of the monies in the dormant account to the general revenue of the Islands, the dormant account holder will no longer have any right against the financial institution to repayment of the monies transferred, but the dormant account holder will have, against the Government, such right to repayment of the monies transferred that the dormant account holder had against the financial institution.
  • Any interested person should contact the financial institution mentioned above to establish if that person is a dormant account holder.


Authorized Officer

Dated this 12TH day of July 2024

[1] Interest paid by a financial institution on monies held in the financial institution shall not be regarded as a transaction which increases the amount held in the financial institution pursuant to section 4(5) of the Dormant Accounts Law, 2010 (as amended).